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Brain Imaging Council-2022 Young Investigator Award

Jessie Fu was awarded the BrainImaging Council Third Place Young Investigator Award for the abstract titled “Evaluation of longitudinal changes in reference region uptake and extracerebral signal of [18F]MK-6240 PET” at the 2022 SNMMI conference in Vancouver,  Canada. The first and second place recipient for the Young Investigator Award are Cassis Varlow and Laura Best respectively. Jessie also received the Brain Imaging Council Travel Award for the same work.

June 14 2022

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NRM-2022 Young Investigator Award

Jessie Fu has received an Early Investigator Travel Award for her work on “Examining perfusion indices of [18F]MK-6240, [15O]water and ASL and their relationship with tau uptake using PET/MRI” at the 2022 Brain & Brain PET conference in Glasgow, Scotland.

June 1 2022




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NRM-2021 Young Investigator Award

Congratulations to Dr Jessie Fang Lu Fu who has received an NRM-2021 Young Investigator Award (3rd place) for her work titled Examining the Kinetic spectrum of Extracerebral Signal and its Contributions to Reference Region Uptake of 18F-MK6240 PET. 

December 27 2021




2021 Thrall Mentoring Award Recipient

Congratulations to Dr Price who has received a Thrall Mentoring Award 2021 presented by the Department of Radiology, MGH





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2021 Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging Fellow

Congratulations to Dr Price who has become an SNMMI Fellow presented by the SNMMI Awards Committee





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2021 SNMMI Kuhl-Lassen Award

Dr Price receives the 2021Kuhl-Lassen award presented by the Brain Imaging Council (Early quantification and validation of human amyloid PET studies with 11C-Pittsburgh Compound-B or PiB). She also presented the annual SNMMI Neuroscience Highlights Lecture





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Distinguished Investigator Awardees

Dr Price has received the Distinguished Investigator award presented by the Academy for Radiology & Biomedical Imaging Research along with our collaborators Marco Loggia and Ciprian Catana amongst other Radiology  Department colleagues at MGH. 






New Leadership Role

Dr Price has accepted a new part time role as the Faculty Co-Director for Research at the Center for Diversity and Inclusion at MGH






Chester Pierce Research Society Lecture Series

Dr Cesar Castro will present a talk at the Chester Pierce Research Society entitled Democratising Cancer Diagnostic and Profiling Tools Through Nanotechnologies on 14 April, 2022 between 12 and 1 pm

Dr Price has presented a talk at the Chester Pierce Research Society titled The Evolving Role of Alzheimer’s Disease: From Symptom to In-Vivo Biology

January 28 2022 

Upcoming Conferences



AAIC-2022 will be held in San Diego between 31st July and 1st August. 



IEEE-MIC will be held in Milan between 5th November and 12th November.